Thursday, September 13, 2007

Choices of Direction

Which way to go, what to do when you get there. I am trying to find a way to change careers without having to start at absolute bottom in the new career choice. While my current work does include my new direction - which is writing, it does not include as much as I would like. Of course what I would like is to do this full time and make a living from just writing.

How do you explain to the new employer that you have been writing for years, but your job title was never anything close to "copy writer" or "content writer". I have writen content for the web and essays for books on assorted subjects. I see you peeking behind me and yes, there is that unfinished novel back there too.

I read somewhere once that if you get up each day and write, you are a writer - if you rise each day and sing, you are a singer. It does not matter if you are paid for it. It is something that is within you - it is a part of what makes you who you are and therefore it "is". It is with this thought in mind that I shall go out into the world and make my living doing what I love to do.

Follow me on my experiment. I shall perform assorted styles of writing and see what happens. Stay tuned for the first installment of the new adventure!