Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Compare Health Care

Okay. Let's compare some Canadian healthcare to American healthcare. Click the Maple Leaf and watch.

Letter to My Representative

My letter to my Congresswoman, Donna Edwards.

October 28, 2009

The Honorable Donna Edwards
United States House of Representatives
Washington, D.C. 20515

Dear Representative Edwards:

My name is Lawrence Smoot, I am a constituent and supporter of yours. I pen this missive to you today to impress on you the importance of supporting H.R. 3200. I believe that you understand how vital it is that we bring our country to the same high level of health care that other industrialized nations cherish.

It is my belief this can be done without adding to the cost of our healthcare plans – an excise tax on health plans will ratchet up the cost for the employer and decrease the benefits the workers currently value and enjoy. I myself recently underwent the placement of a stent to clear blockage in a major artery leading to my heart. Without the current level of benefits I have I may not have been able to afford the surgery and would instead be living on borrowed time – an expensive and or fatal heart attack just waiting in the shadows.

I’m asking at this very moment, that you pledge to support affordable, quality health care for everyone that:

Doesn’t tax the benefits of working families like mine.

Requires every employer, except the smallest ones, to either cover their workers or pay into a fund.

Gives people a choice of private and public health insurance plans.

The concerns mentioned above are part of H.R. 3200. I know you have been a vigorous defender of working people in the past. That is why I voted for you and will continue to do so in the future. Please make this bill as strong as you possibly can.

If done right – this historic health care reform will lift this country and its people into a more secure future. FDR knew and understood this when he mentioned a “…second bill of rights…” in his historic State of the Union Address in 1944. Sixty five years have passed since that day – the American people have waited far too long for “the right” of health care.

Please – let’s make history again.


Lawrence R. Smoot Jr.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Lieberman - No Friend To "The People"

Why is Joe so happy?

Maybe it is because he just got another hefty contribution from a pharmaceutical company. Yes, Joe gets some rather hefty money from companies like "Purdue Pharma LP". They happen to be a privately held pharmaceutical company founded by physicians. It makes him absolutely giddy! Purdue Pharma says that they are "...focused on the needs of patients".

Considering they gave Joe $105,100.00 in the 2010 campaign cycle and another company called "United Technologies, 'they make drugs too'"gave him $138,850.00 in the same campaign cycle and Joe is fighting Health Care reform any way he can, says something.

It says he is for "the people", as long as you are a "people" who own a drug company.

Now, I can see Purdue Pharma giving Joe a bucket-O-money - after all they are from the state that he represents. But most of his money comes from those outside his state. United Technologies is from California -- hmmm, I wonder what they want him to do for that bucket-O-bucks?

Oddly enough - his other big donors (those in the top ten) are from the companies that make war machines and investment firms. This should not be a shock to anyone since our buddy Joe is a ranking member on the Armed Services Committee! Gee, I wonder what they want for their money?

Today, Joe Lieberman announced that he would stand with Republicans to filibuster the health care bill if it had a "Public Option". He claims it has to do with what this will cost "us the taxpayer" but we know better Joe. What you are worried about is "what it will cost the drug companies".

What you're not telling us is that a Public Option will bring down the costs of health care. It will act like the steam vent on a pressure cooker - when it gets to costly, it will vent and keep things safe and secure for us all.

It will insure against drug and insurance companies raping the American public. Without a Public Option to protect us - these companies will just belly up to the feeding trough known as our savings accounts and shove it down their gullets like a starving dog! But you see, Joe doesn't care about any of this. He just needs to be sure his election coffers are busting at the seams from contributions supplied by these same companies.

Have you ever noticed our fair weather friend Joe. He's on our side when it doesn't really matter, but when the chips are down and you need him the most he is nowhere to be found...well, except for the bottom of his shoe as he kicks you down deeper and deeper into the quicksand of debt.

So - once again Joe Lieberman has failed those that he is supposed to protect. Joe, take a look man. The writing is on the wall. We will get you voted out of office and be done with you. We are tired of not being able to depend on you. (See where Joe gets his money.)