Wednesday, October 08, 2008

McCain - Palin an Average Joe-Six Pack's Thoughts

A McCain-Palin White House is "fundamentally" wrong for our country. It's simple. Look at his record and the fact that he picked a running mate solely because she is a conservative woman whom they felt would appeal to the core of their party. Ya, that's nice, but you should also pick someone who is qualified for the job.

Let's face it - actuary tables say that McCain has a 1 in 3 chance of dying during his first term of President, the insurance companies know what they're talking about; it's their business to know these things. Do you really want someone like Palin running this country? Talk about a moose caught in the headlights.

Let's be real here. This would not frighten me so if she were really smart, but she's not. The RNC knows this and so does McCain, but they also needed someone they could use as an attack dog and then toss away like a net full of Alaskan salmon if they lost the election. If this were not the case, they would have picked someone like Sen. Elizabeth Dole who is much more qualified than Governor Palin. So ready to be tossed aside like yesterday's news after the election. Good thing you've still got your day job - but wait, that might just be gone too after your state's next elections. You have shown your true colors on a national scale and I have a feeling many in the state of Alaska will work really hard to give you the boot when the time comes. Gee, bet'cha ya never thought the "bridge to nowhere" was the nickname of your political career!

Speaking of swan songs - John McCain. Since I mentioned the actuary tables...maybe we don't really need to talk about this but let's anyway.

It amazes me how McCain thinks, as does the majority of the Republican Party that the American people can be lead around by their noses. We are a more informed people, especially the younger voters who will actually research what you tell them. They know that when you talk about tax incentives that you mean for the most wealthy. That has been your record! For almost 30 years in government you have supported the wealthy and left basic regular Americans to pay way more than their fair share. A leopard does not change its spots - just another fact.

The record is there and it is clear! So lie all you want, it is there in black and white. It is there glowing from research computers all over this nation and the world!

Let us begin with your health care tax. By taxing those of us who have an employer paid health care plan you again tax us, the middle class and the rich will receive a $5000k tax benefit right along with the rest who don't have an employer paid plan. Speaking of taxes still -- you have repeatedly given tax breaks to those companies who have off-shored our jobs! What is that all about? Let's go with Obama's plan and give the tax breaks to those companies who keep jobs here at home! If companies want to off-shore jobs, then tax them more for doing so. Make it worth their while to keep Americans working!

In the debate last night, McCain did not offer any detailed answers at all. It is clear that while he is saying one thing, he will just follow the same practices of G.W. Bush - say one thing and do just the opposite. People say to stop talking about Bush as he is a lame duck president...we must remember the past or we are doomed to repeat it. If McCain gets in the White House the quacking we hear from Washington will be the same we have been hearing for G.W. We cannot afford to repeat the past with McCain.

His choice of Veep also continues the practice of G.W. He too picked a very dangerous Vice President and just like Chaney, Palin also wants to expand the powers of the office of the VP. This cannot and should not be allowed.

"Cronies and Special Interests". McCain's top people are all former highly paid lobbyist. Nuff said. Well, one more thing, then "nuff said". Sen. McCain’s campaign chairman’s firm was a lobbyist on behalf of Fannie Mae.

Insiders of the Republican party are already discussing their dissatisfaction with the McCain campaign - especially when it comes to how they have handled the economic crisis. When looking from a distance, it appears the McCain-Palin campaign is beginning to list in the water. Some pundits have already begun to use phrases like "throw in the towel" when remarking on McCain's campaign. We do know one thing about McCain and that is that he is not a quitter - unfortunately he shares that trait with Bush as well. He also doesn't know when to stop.

I think it safe to say that we all know, as well as the rest of the world that Alkida was not in Iraq. There were no WMDs and just as Sen. Obama said. "...They took their eye off the ball..." The "ball" was in Afghanistan not Iraq. This has given our enemies the time they needed to re-group and Osama the time he needs to drag his dialysis machine into a new cave; no doubt one with cable TV and a pool. Electing Sen. Obama is our only real hope of getting Osama Bin Laden, getting our global respect back and creating an economy that is healthy and stable.

You know and I know that McCain will continue the shell game just like George Bush and we will never find Osama. The question really needs to be is "why?". It's like the Bush administration and his comrades like McCain just let Osama bin Laden walk. Is it because of the family ties that the Bush family has had with the Bin Laden family over the years in their oil dealings? Who knows? One thing is for sure -- they let him walk after he orchestrated the worst attacks American soil had ever witnessed!

In 1988 in an interview with Mother Jones magazine, John McCain said " Laden really the bad guy that's depicted?" See below that part of the interview.

MJ: You not only have had combat experience in Vietnam, but you were also a
prisoner of war. When you look at terrorism right now, with people like Osama
bin Laden, do you have any reservations about watching strikes like that?

John McCain: You could say, Look, is this guy, Laden, really the bad guy
that's depicted? Most of us have never heard of him before. And where there is a
parallel with Vietnam is: What's plan B? What do we do next? We sent our troops
into Vietnam to protect the bases. Lyndon Johnson said, Only to protect the
bases. Next thing you know.... Well, we've declared to the terrorists that we're
going to strike them wherever they live. That's fine. But what's next? That's
where there might be some comparison.

I am for the person who can do the best for our country - the person who will work for the interests of our country over their own interests. I have looked at John McCain's record and researched the legislation he has supported. Make no mistake. He works for the interests of the wealthiest people and companies in the U.S. not for middle class working people.

You have to read past the title of bills to know what they really are. Often the title is the opposite of what it really does, so for your own sake do the research! Go to and look at what McCain has done. Oh, and just to be need to research Gov. Palin as the GOP will be dropping her like an angry polar bear when they lose their bid for the White House. She will join the speaking tour -- maybe she can get Dan Quayle to open for her at her speaking gigs!