Wednesday, December 16, 2009

How Much Did You Pay For Your Senator?

Joe Lieberman - I could almost stop there and you would already know what this is about. He is a shining example, hell he is a dazzling, sparkling, blinding even, example of what a "bought and paid for" Senator looks like. It is absolutely clear that the insurance and pharmaceutical industries told him to kill health-care reform and he said, "yes sir, right away sir" and is carrying out their orders. I know I need the health-care now as Joe is making me sicker by the minute!

Today you see headlines like "Joe Lieberman Stands in the Middle of Health Care". The headline should read, "Joe Lieberman - Roadblock to Health Care". It is also claimed that he is in the political middle - again, not so. He is the Republican mole reporting back from Democrat committee meetings. He is the ears and eyes of the Republican party so they know each and every way to block health-care reform. Talk about wolf in sheep's clothing!

He does continue to shift directions - first he suggested the buy in to Medicare, and like a spoiled child once he got it he now says, "I don't want that either." There are remedies for spoiled children and the same goes for Joe. Let's just put him where he belongs - with the Republicans. Pull his Chairmanship away and he can see what the Republicans give him. It is never safe to leave a poisonous snake in a place where he can bite you, over and over and over again.

America's health-care reform is not something to be played with just to tickle his ego. Right now, some infer, he [Lieberman] is the tail wagging the dog, it's true and it needs to be stopped!

America is not his toy box and he needs to know it right now. Lieberman has clearly shown that hypocrisy is a flag to be waved and gotten away with. He stood with John McCain for President, he bashed Obama the Democratic candidate at the Republican Convention, he is a Republican through and through.

The President said in his recent meeting with his former Democrat colleges of the Senate, "...not to let ideological purity undermine the legislation." Tell me, how is this different than bending to the far right of the the Chamber?

The conservatives of the Senate are using health-care reform to legislate around Roe v. Wade and a woman's right to choose by not allowing funding of any kind via insurance policies. Odd how the poor are going to be the ones affected, once again, by the conservatives in the Senate and the Democrats will have let them steam roll their way right over those same poor who voted for change - who voted for a better life - who voted for a voice in Congress.

As far as I'm concerned, this Congress is about to betray those same citizens. They are willing to strip the bill of anything truly remarkable and helpful to the poor just to get it passed so they can say, "Look what we did". Lovely - you just passed not only a meaningless bill, but a bill that will crush the poor and stuff the pockets of the insurance and pharmaceutical industries even more!

This is not a time to let conservatives run rough-shot over the Democrats and this health-care reform bill. Doubly so, it is not a time to let Joe Lieberman make the Democratic party dance like someone is shooting at their cold feet! If this bill is passed in a form to only stuff the coffers of corporate America, then let's not bother - we've already paid them enough!