Friday, October 26, 2007


Fall has always been one of my favorite if not most enjoyed time of year. Things are changing and not for the good I think. Each year fall seems to be slipping away more and more. This year in the D.C. area, October is in the record books as the warmest October yet. We have had day time temperatures in the 80's - so what happened to the nice cool days, leaves blowing all about?

After all, what is Halloween without the cold snap of air and leaves madly running across the ground - passing you as you run? Yes, we are thinking the same thing -- global warming. As much as the current administration of the White House want to ignore it and say it is not happening, fact is fact.

When I was a kid some 25 years ago we would get huge amounts of snow in northern Wisconsin. That is no longer the case. Often there will be more rain in the winter than snow. It does not get quite as cold there either - I recall some absolute bone chilling temperatures growing up.

Summers too are much warmer; as a kid we might see one day in the 90's but now most of the summer can be like that. There is no denying it although Bush is trying really hard to do so.

Well, today it is raining and somewhat cool. I am in hopes that this is the beginning of a true fall. I may not get to see the colors and take the walks through piles of blowing leaves that I like to do, but the change is here - I think, I hope.

Fall is supposed to be a time when the many things can rest and take that healing slumber. Storing up life to come bursting out in the spring. Let us hope that the world wakes from it's slumber and understands what is happening.

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