Wednesday, January 26, 2005

In the Beginning..

Okay, so this is my first shot at this blog business. It will be a work in progress and we can all at once watch what happens here. The title of the page is taken from an old newspaper reporter, Heywood Broun. He used to have a column that was syndicated all over the country and that was the title of it. He used it much like we are using these blogs. Since he was rather famous and had some clout, he could spout his thoughts about the injustices he saw and get away with it.

So, here we are. Now, about me. I work for a large international labor union and am in school wrapping up my MPA degree, three more classes and I am done. Whew, thought I would never get there. I also volunteer with a group called Pride At Work, a constituency group of the AFL-CIO. It works to build bridges between the labor and the GLBT (gay, lesbian, bi and transgender) communities. You can check out the web site here .

I live in Maryland and work in Washington, D.C. -- Since I came from a small town in Wisconsin...and I do mean small, less than 700 people, D.C. was a big change. It has been almost 15 years now since I moved here and it does not seem like the huge city it was when I first came here. I see now that it is fairly a small place with big things going on, political and otherwise.

Well, that's it for now. Will be doing more as the muse directs.

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