Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Health Care - Yes We Can

You know, health care is something that I used to wonder about - because I did not have any. I have had great health care for the last 16 years because of my employer. I work for a labor union who puts their money where it counts. Unions as employers still understand how valuable and important good affordable health care is. I only pay small co-pays and that's it.

I recently had a stent put in and some other 8 blockages cleared. The cost was slightly over $22,000.00 and I did not pay a cent. If I had not had good health insurance, no doubt I would still be walking around with that ticking time-bomb in my chest. Just waiting for the next bag of groceries that I carried in, or laundry basket that I toted up the stairs - the BANG, heart attack, and I would either be drowning in medical costs or dead. Not great choices hey?

The republicans are doing their best to block health care reform. The question would be why? What is the true reason they want to block it. Let's take a look at some of those possible reasons.

Today I looked up some of the funding resources of the campaign contributions of those who are trying their best to block these reforms. Odd that some are backed by very conservative "right to life" groups. I guess it would be because the government plan would pay for people to use planned parenthood or other organizations like them.

Maybe it is because the drug companies who spend a lot of their money backing republicans don't want our government to push down the price of new prescription drugs. We all know that if you buy a drug here in the U.S. it is going to cost you many times more that if you buy the same drug, from the same company in Canada. Gee, why is that? Could be because the Canadian government told them, "look, profit is profit, but then again, gouging is gouging and we will not stand for it."

Take a look at the health care page that the AFL-CIO has on their website. There is truth there. When I hear conservative republicans say that this will not help families it makes me so angry. This will help families. Those families who need health care and those who would end up filing for bankruptcy if they did not have health care coverage. Medical bills can pile up fast. In just a few months you can be hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt due to some unexpected illness. No body wants to see you lose everything just because you got sick.

Call your representatives now and tell them to get back to work and pass health care reform now because we need it now! Don't know who or how to contact them? Go here and get the info and make the call. You don't have to be concerned about how you tell them - Just tell them to pass health care reform or you will vote for someone who will come election time.

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